Lasting Impact.
There are life changing moments, life changing experiences and life changing encounters… my time visiting Pigmy villages in the Congo was all of the above. It’s experiences the one I had in the Congo that have the most lasting impact on our lives.
ICDI is a non-profit organization dedicated to eradicating persistent poverty by providing sustainable solutions to the problems faced by impoverished people. It was through ICDI that I first visited the Central African Republic and Pigmy villages
near the edge of the Congo.
We helped dig community wells so the people there could get clean water.
We met members of the community whose lives would be forever changed by something that we take for granted every day – water. I will carry their smiles, gratitude and resilience with me for the rest of my life.
The experience forever changed me when I saw the impact that such assistance could provide to a group of some of the poorest people in the world.